This is my hello to everyone out there. My name is Chick Chapman and I'm a writer living in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Love it! I've been writing books for a number of years yet none of them are published. Do not fear! Do not be discouraged! There is no cause for alarm! I have two books being prepared to publish in both digital and paperback form. One is Zombie Anatomy 101, the first in a young adult series and you can read the summary above. The second is called Wally Eye Corpse Club. It is the first in an adult series (adult for language). W.E.C.C. takes place in New Orleans and centers around a 69 year old man who is housing 13 reanimated corpses in his now defunct bar. And there are vampires and ghosts, voodoo and demons. It's a fun read! (just waiting on artwork) My writing typically centers around the supernatural, so if you're a fan of otherworldly things... it's for you.
I started this blog to obviously promote my work but I also thought it might lead to other things. I would love to give you, the reader, an ongoing look of life in the French Quarter. Even though, currently (in the midst of this viral disaster), it is nowhere as strange and entertaining as it normally is, I suspect it will get that way again. I also want to share short stories and ideas with you as well as some snippets from characters you'll come to know.
Another goal of mine is to write posts on the supernatural, interviewing people and their experiences to share with you. (once I can get close enough to someone to actually interview them!) Stories of encounters with ghosts, cryptids, angels, demons that you've never heard before... that's what I'm looking out for. I can't promise anything but I'll bet there's some really juicy tales in my neighborhood. I just finished a draft for another YA novel called Camp Cryptid and the research I did for that really got me excited about all the unseen around us!
Let's be friends, huh?
So, I ask you to subscribe and come around from time to time, see what develops. I'll try to keep you entertained without bombarding you with posts. Let's see what kind of weirdness happens.
I can be reached either in the comment sections or at
Much love! Chick